Largest gains among younger consumers

Twitter Tuesday released a study that said adding Twitter to an ad campaign creates 6% incremental audience reach over TV alone.

The report comes at a time when ad dollars appear to be flowing from digital to TV as marketers seek to run their commercials next to safe, premium content. Advertisers are also questioning the effectiveness of their investment in digital ads.

The new Twitter study looks at four cross platform campaigns measured by Nielsen. In one case, a large CPG brand ran a campaign during a major global sports event that included a Twitter First View Promoted Video ad. The brand got 22% incremental reach among its target audience using Twitter versus advertising on TV alone.

The study also found that the incremental audience Twitter brings to a campaign tends to skew younger with 18 -to 24-year old consistently showing the largest gains.

While this demographic is a digitally connected audience, it’s also one of the most elusive demographics to reach if relying solely on television,” said Tim Perzyk, Twitter’s senior director, market insights and analytics for the U.S. and Canada, in a blog post.

While TV is a mass medium, according to the findings, Twitter was more targeted, with a higher percentage of its impressions reaching the target audience.

“The study found that Twitter outperformed the Nielsen digital-on-target-percentage norms by an average of 14% for the measured campaigns,” said Perzyk. “These results point to Twitter being an increasingly strong supplement to TV.”


By Jon Lafayette

Source:  Broadcasting Cable, August 2017